Tag Archives: short film


The Southern Belle // A Must-Watch Short Film


Plot Synopsis:

The paths of two starkly different men, a generation apart, converge late one evening for them to discover they have a dark and destructive bond. Starring Theodore Bouloukos and Ethan Sharrett.

Official Trailer:

Full Review:

Well, this is something different! I was planning to review The Inbetweeners Movie since someone made the request (you can do the same thing by visiting the ‘Make A Request‘ page!). But unfortunately, exams and schoolwork have snuck up on me faster than I expected, meaning my time to watch and review a full length film has (for the time being) gone down the drain, just like my possible success rate for these exams! But does that mean I won’t post a review? Of course not!. The only difference being that this is a review of a short film. A darn good short film at that!!

This slow-sifting yet intense 10 minute flick is slightly hard for me to review properly since I really don’t want to spoil anything. I think it’s best if you go into this movie without knowing too much as the plot isn’t incredibly complex and elaborate. The simplicity of The Southern Belle means there’s not a lot we, as an audience, need to keep track of which means that we can really appreciate the bare bones of the film and it’s story. And this definitely is not a bad thing at all! As Albert Einstein once said, “Keep it simple, but no simpler”

In a film like this, the screenplay really needs to shine. And boy, this script shines as bright as the sun! Filled with realistic, down to Earth dialogue that is crisp and engaging, the script makes The Southern Belle one of the most well written short films I’ve ever seen. To whoever wrote this film, you my friend have earned yourself a very well deserved pat-on-the-back from me! And the script gives us characters, although in a small quantity, that we can latch onto within the very first couple of minutes and also perfectly understand their behavioural characteristics within the ten minute time frame. If that’s not good writing, I don’t know what is!

The cinematography is really something to marvel at as well, especially considering the budget they had and the several constrictions they faced while filming because of this. Going for a dark and moody look, the film looks and therefore feels like a high budget movie. It really goes to show you that you don’t need a million dollar budget to make a good movie; you just need talent.

And by that, I mean you need talent both behind and in front of camera. Luckily, The Southern Belle has a lot of unknown but still fantastic talent in front of the camera! The only two actors in this short are stupendous, particularly the taxi driver Bob played by Theodore Bouloukos, who collectively are able to clearly and masterfully establish as well as maintain tension from the get-go as their conversation, and inherent suspense, grows to it’s teeth grinding climax.

I won’t say too much more in fear of spoiling it for you, so I guess I’ll end my review here! You can watch the film in full underneath this article; it will be the best ten minutes you will spend this week. Trust me!!

Fergie’s Final Fifteen:

A digestive, exhilarating and truly riveting piece of quality filmmaking, all squeezed within ten minutes.



The Southern Belle is definitely one of the best short films I’ve seen and it absolutely, without question, deserves your undivided attention. I highly urge you to check it out below. Now I’m off to try and not fail my exams by staring blankly at several convoluted and downright useless textbooks! Wish me luck!!

P.S I’m thinking of doing more short film reviews in the future since my schedule is getting tighter and tighter as time goes on. With this in mind, I would love to know your favourite short films (if you have any!) Tell me in the comments below!!

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Posted by on 09/03/2014 in Drama, Short Films


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