Tag Archives: captain america 2


Captain America Review // The Winter Soldier is Blisteringly Hot!!


Plot Synopsis:

Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and battles a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier.

Official Trailer:

Full Review:

Before we begin, can I just rant about annoying movie goers(!). As I was watching this film in the cinema, there was a young kid (about eight years old) sat with his mother in a couple of rows in front of me. Not so bad, right? Hell no! This demon child talked aloud throughout the entire movie, practically shouting about how that explosion was cool amongst other irrelevant topics of discussion the rest of the audience had to endure through as we tried to enjoy this two and a half hour action fest. My friend quietly laughed it off whereas I was reaching boiling point. I just couldn’t stand it. I don’t mean to sound harsh or anything but … I really wanted to smack the kid around the head!! It’s amazing how many people still don’t know that a cinema is NOT a place for conversation. So remember kids, when in the cinema, you need to shut the f*ck up!!

* Relieved sigh * Now that I’ve got that off my chest, we can now review the film everyone is talking about at the minute. Of course, it is the latest movie featuring the shield wielding personification of American patriotism. I am obviously referring to fan favourite Captain America and his alter ego Steve Rodgers, who make a return in this stupendous action sequel that is chock full with explosive eye candy that’s laced with a surprisingly intriguing premise.

Wait!! Hang on! I need to clear something up. This isn’t a film to be taken 100% seriously. Like all Marvel films, The Winter Soldier has a lot of cheesy jokes and quips as well as a few absurd and somewhat cliché moments. But that is part of all the fun!! These films are meant to stimulate and entertain, and this is no exception. So to give a fair verdict, I switched off my brain and didn’t look too deep into what the film meant. Instead, I engulfed on my popcorn and watched it like everyone else and I urge you to do the same.

So exactly how entertaining did I find this then? Well let’s just say I felt like a kid at a mega magic show. I was drooling with wonder and left wanting more. Thanks to the riveting action, you are hooked as soon as the film starts and from that point on, it is such a high octane thrill ride all the way to its spectacular finale that genuinely had me on the edge of my seat. How cliché, I know!. But the action wouldn’t be as invigorating as it was if it weren’t for the Russo Brother’s directing, who somehow managed to use shaky cam effectively and quite clearly knew how to frame each and every scene effectively. So big props to those guys, especially considering this was their first big budget action film.

And even though I said how turning off your inner critic would help you enjoy the film more, I have to say the plot was fairly sophisticated and well thought out for a silly superhero movie. Utilising themes of espionage, conspiracy and corruption, it really helped the film maintain substance throughout the abundance of fiery destruction goodness. And it gave someone like me, who mainly watches films for developed and engrossing stories, something to sink my teeth into. And amazingly, there was a few sombre moments (which I won’t spoil!) that gave the film some dramatic depth and really elevated the film to new heights.

Before we CAP off the review (see what I did there?! It was so fu … never-mind), I would like to say what I didn’t particularly like. These issues are by no means colossal flaws but yet are still noticeable. As I’ve mentioned already, there are moments which are cliché and down right stupid and some of which I just couldn’t ignore. Unfortunately, my enjoyment was very slightly diluted as I realised I had rolled my eyes during these specific points of the movie. If you have a higher tolerance for cinema that’s as cheesy as a guy that’s obsessed with awful puns, then you won’t be as bothered as I was. But then again, what did I expect from a Marvel movie?!

Another thing I wasn’t too fond of was a certain storyline/scene which, if I talk about it, will be classified as a spoiler so I will save it until the very end of the review under the heading ‘SPOILERIFIC!‘, so if you haven’t seen the film yet then DO NOT read all the way to the bottom of this article. Enjoy the film first and then come back to the site and read what I had to say. Please do so, since it helps my site statistics!!

The Winter Soldier was a tremendously amusing and incredibly delightful film that is absorbing in its entertainment value and compelling in its story. This movie has done something which the other stand alone Marvel films have yet to achieve; focus solely on the fun factor. This was the reason why The Avengers worked so well and the Russo Brothers understood that perfectly, and in the process churned out a fantastic action movie that is enlightening in every aspect. And I for one cannot wait to see what they do for the next Captain America instalment in 2016!!

Fergie’s Final Fifteen:

Gripping, exciting, awesome. A superhero movie of epic proportions. A true marvel from Marvel studios!



Out of all the films you can watch at the cinema at this very minute, this appears to be the best option. For all the reasons stated above, The Winter Soldier is a must see and you will leave the cinema with a massive smile on your face guaranteed … As long as there isn’t a inconsiderate bratty child in the cinema with you!!


Alright guys! We’re getting nitty and gritty into spoiler territory so if you haven’t seen the film, I’m giving you one more chance to leave and rush down to your local cinema to see it. You’ve been warned.

As I mentioned earlier, there was a particular scene in the film which bothered me and that was the computer scene featuring a A.I version of Arnim Zola from The First Avenger. There are a couple of reasons why this scene kind of fell flat for me; one of them being the absurd irony of watching the trailer for the upcoming Wally Pfister feature Transcendence, which focuses on the same concept of Zola’s resurrection, beforehand. Not done on purpose, I’m sure, but I found it funny nevertheless!

But the other reason why I didn’t like this scene was because of the hefty amount of exposition that drained my enjoyment away like liposuction, thankfully only throughout the length of the scene. This is a problem that all films which deal with a large amount of mystery in their plot suffer from (one of the biggest culprits, in my opinion, being French murder mystery Tell No One) but nonetheless, it seemed to be thrown in the film just to tie up all loose ends between The First Avenger and this unbelievable sequel. Fortunately, the rest of the film shoots back into action and my brain was left paralysed for a further hour.

So that’s why my grade isn’t significantly low but also why it hasn’t achieved the top grade of A+. I still loved the film and I hope you did too!


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