Do you want to see your favourite film reviewed by me? Or are you dying to tell me about the worst movie you’ve ever seen?

Whatever the case may be, leave your suggestion in the reply box below and I will choose the most popular suggestions as well as the ones which I haven’t even heard of before. I hope this will create a very personal and interactive community, where users are respectful to one another and will be kind enough to acknowledge and respect their indifferent views.

Oh, who am I kidding?! It’s the internet for crying out loud!!

The only stipulation for requesting films is that the film must be easily accessible to me. I can’t afford to go to the cinema for every single suggestion but I can afford to log on to Netflix! As long as the film is on Netflix or posted in full on Youtube, then I will fulfil your request. In fact, if you know me personally, you can even send me a DVD or Blu-Ray and I will very happily watch and review it within the same week as receiving it! 

So don’t waste anymore time. Get requesting!!


2 responses to “MAKE A REQUEST

  1. John Brittle

    24/02/2014 at 11:28

    Review The Inbetweeners Movie!!!

    • Josh Ferguson

      24/02/2014 at 17:02

      If you so wish! I’ll try to post my views on the film by the end of next week 🙂


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