Category Archives: Other


Fergie Film’s Five Commandments // Some Changes To The Blog


Heavenly Father, I ask upon you to update the readers of the Fergie Films blog. Pretty please!

Yes, this is out of the norm, especially when you consider that I’m an atheist! So if you’re around to read the latest review, then you’ve come on the wrong day; come back on Sunday. In fact, no! Don’t leave!! This news affects you lot too, so keep reading!! This is is a one off post that I like to call: Stuff-That-I-Think-Is-Important-But-It-Really-Isn’t-But-A-Full-Length-Blog-Post-Will-Be-Made-Nevertheless-So-Shut-Up-It’s-My-Blog-Wait-Sorry-I-Didn’t-Mean-That-Come-Back-To-Me-Darling-I-Beg-Of-You. Phew! That’s a big mouthful that even Kim Kardashian couldn’t handle!! Long story short, this is just a small update regarding how the blog is going to be run and how reviews are going to be posted. And for some reason, I thought I would post this update in the style of the infamous Ten Commandments. Why? Because I feel like it! Shall we get started? I think we shall!

Commandment I: Thou Shall Not Rate Short Films

From now on, short film reviews will NOT receive a rating at the end of the review. I’ve found that most popular short films are above average in terms of quality; they’re popular for a good reason! And most of the bad short films are very clearly done by amateur yet aspiring filmmakers, so it wouldn’t be fair to completely trash all their hard work. This change may also be implemented into my feature length film reviews as well but for the time being, they are safe.

The main reason for this change is because of a video I saw by one of my favourite YouTuber’s NerdCubed, who voices his views on rating scores and rants about why they are bullsh*t! It really resonated with me and deserves to be checked out. You can watch the video via the link below (skip to 2:01)

Commandment II: Thou Shall Post Reviews Twice Weekly

Remember that poll I posted last week? The results of said poll were quite evident that you wanted to see more reviews posted on the blog. And to be honest, I kind of agree! I’m not reviewing as many full length films as I would like to (due to time constraints) and I’m getting pretty tired of having to rely on short films since I know without a doubt nine out of ten times it’s gonna be good. So I will now be posting TWO reviews per week! I seriously wish I can implement this change with immediate effect, but unfortunately I can’t. It’s exam season at the minute and I want to focus as much of my attention and time to making sure I do the best I can. But guaranteed, after the 3rd June, this change will be in full swing.

Commandment III: Thou Shall Post Reviews On Fridays and On God’s Day Of Rest (Sunday)

As you’ve read above, reviews will still be posted on Sunday but the second weekly review will be posted on Friday. Simple enough! I don’t really need to say anything else about this!! Next commandment…

Commandment IV: Thou Shall Fathom An Abundance Of Trailer Reviews

Albeit, I wasn’t a huge fan of the original concept of my trailer reviews, which is why I don’t do them more often. But I still want to share all the latest trailers with you guys, since I know a gem of a film can have a trailer released in the same week as the next mindless action blockbuster, and undeservedly get overshadowed by it. So what I want to do is post something on Mondays which I call “Movie Trailer Mondays” where I link you guys through to all of the trailers that have been released in the past week. Along with the links, I will also provide a two to three sentence summary of my thoughts of each trailer. The first article in this, for lack of a better term, ‘segment’ will be posted on May 19th.

Commandment V: Thou Shall Encourage Servants To Follow Thy Lord On Twitter

Okay okay, this isn’t a change to the blog but it is appreciated! Seriously, if you guys follow me on Twitter I will be posting content I won’t be posting on the blog (i.e. latest movie news, an absurd amount of puns and jokes, among other wacky shenanigans). And Twitter is the place to be if you guys want to recommend some films for me to review. In fact, I urge you guys to recommend some films for three reasons:
–> I love discovering new films
–> I want to know what my readers would like to see reviewed
–> Some weeks, I have no idea what to review, so you’d be helping out!

And if we as a small loving community conjure up enough interaction between one another, I would like to put the power in your hands, where you decide what I should review after I’ve given you two potential films as voting options. So what are you waiting for?! Oh, you’re waiting for the link to my twitter aren’t you? In that case, here it is!

Well there you go! That’s all the important updates you need to know for now!! Stay tuned for Sunday where a new review will be posted as always.

Bless the Holy Spirit,


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Posted by on 07/05/2014 in Other


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POLL // What Do You Want To See Posted On Fergie Films?








Hello film fans! As you can see, this is something a little bit different to what you’re used to. Don’t worry, there will be review on Sunday just like normal (in which some of you may be surprised by my choice of film!) so fret not my dear! Today, I propose to you a poll. Not just any poll, but it’s a poll regarding the livelihood of this blog so therefore I would like ALL those reading to provide an answer.

The reason why I’ve made this poll is because I believe the site can do much better and achieve much more than it currently is at the moment. So in order for this site to progress, I’ve come to the conclusion that more varied content needs to be produced not just movie reviews on Sundays. But since I have no idea what you guys like and dislike, I thought I would leave the decision to you. That’s right, you get to tell me what you personally would like to see posted.

You are not limited to the options below, even though these are the most likely to be produced. If you have an idea for the site which I like, then answer it in the ‘Other’ box. I look forward to your responses!

Enough! You already know how to answer a poll!! Get answering people!!!

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Posted by on 01/05/2014 in Other


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