Category Archives: Movie Trailer Mondays

Movie Trailer Monday // 9th June – 15th June 2014


Howdy! Yes I know there’s been a lack of reviews lately. I’ve been incredibly busy as of late so I do apologise. But do not fret your little head, for I can still update you on all the latest movie trailers!

1. Frontera:

Boy is this a good start to the week! Looks utterly remarkable.

2. The Anomaly:

From the highs of Frontera to the generic lows of The Anomaly

3. Believe Me:

Doesn’t look brilliant, but I may see it just because it takes the piss out of Christianity!

4. Leprechaun: Origins:

Despite involving a classic horror icon, this desperate prequel looks as if it has not struck any pots of gold.

5. Dumb And Dumber To:

Everyone has been going ballistic over this trailer. To be honest, I don’t see why. Based on what I saw, I’m not all that excited for this film.

6. The Boxtrolls:

Looks fun, and knowing it was made by the same people as Coraline, this has definitely garnered some interest.

7. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For – Trailer 2:


8. Paddington:

Why do I feel as if my childhood is going to be partially ruined by this film?!

9. The Interview:

Seth Rogen is on a roll at the minute! This looks like another winner from him.

10. Penguins Of Madagascar:

Dreamworks Animation will seriously not let this franchise die, will they?

11. Home:

Rihanna is in this film –> 😦

Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory) is in this film –> 😑

12. No Good Deed:

The only reason why I would be interested in seeing this is for Idris Elba! Seriously, that man has got chops!!!

13. Dolphin Tale 2 – Trailer 2:

“All we can do now is hope” “That’s her name” GRROOOAAAANNN!!!!

14. Heatstroke:

Don’t worry, this is not be confused with the atrocious 2008 film of the same name! This one actually looks cooler!!!

15. Witching And Bitching:

This is absurd, idiotic, and utterly ridiculous. And I’m not sure if I like it or not because of that…

16. Birdman:

This. Looks. Amazeballs!!!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is all the trailers that have been released in the past week! Tell me what you think of each trailer in the comments below. Tune in next week for all the latest movie trailers!


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Movie Trailer Monday // 2nd June – 8th June 2014


Welcome back my darlings! Here are all the latest trailers, brought to you on this fine Monday afternoon (hence the name!)

1. Ivory Tower – Education Documentary

I love education, but I loathe school systems and the way they are operated. This seems right up my alley!

2. Beneath:

The tag-line of this horror film is ‘Save Your Beneath’. If that’s not any indication for how bad this is gonna be, then I don’t know what is!

3. The Green Inferno – Trailer 2:

For a horror film, it looks like a cool concept. But knowing it’s Eli Roth, it’s advised that you get in the mood to watch torture porn before entering the theatre.

4. Very Good Girls:

I have to say, Very Good Girls does indeed look very good!

5. Made In America – Music Documentary:

It’s a documentary that involves Jay Z 😑

It’s a documentary directed by Ron Howard πŸ˜€

6. Hercules – Trailer 2:

Despite the film being about a powerful Greek god, this doesn’t look like the film will leave a strong(!) impression.

7. Love, Rosie – Teaser Trailer 3:

To Rosie, this film looks like sh*t on a kebab. Love, Fergie.

8. The Giver – Trailer 2:

Looks better than I thought it would be, but I am aware of the outcry from fans of the book so I think I will read the novel first. And the film comes out on my birthday! It’s not important to you but it is to me!!!

9. Lullaby:

Meh… Looks alright. Not sure if this tune will strike a chord with me.

10. Moon Indigo:

Surreal, high-spirited and insanely creative. Just how I like it! Someone buy me tickets!!!

11. Rage:

If Nicolas Cage isn’t screaming/shouting in an absurd manner in this film, then I’m not gonna be happy!

12. Sex Tape:

Unless you want to watch a 90 minute commercial for Apple, then there’s no point in watching this film!

13. The Best Of Me:

Sorry lads. Looks like another film your girlfriends are gonna drag you to the cinema to see! Thankfully, I don’t have a girlfriend! For once, being single is actually somewhat a positive thing… Weird.

14. Are You Here:

Thank heavens above! This is a comedy that actually looks good!!!

15. Step Up 5: All In:

If Hollywood would stop making idiotic dance movies, that would be greeeeaat. Brownie points to those that recognise the reference!

16. The November Man:

β™«COOL GUYS DON’T LOOK AT EXPLOOOSIONS!!!β™« I really do have the voice of an angel!

17. Million Dollar Arm:

If you want to watch a funny, lighthearted, and inspirational flick, then this looks like it will fit the bill perfectly. Not sure if I’ll end up seeing it myself though.

18. Sharknado 2: The Second One – Teaser Trailer:

It’s a sequel to a film about shark infested tornados. What else can I say?!?!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is all the trailers that have been released in the past week! Tell me what you think of each trailer in the comments below. Tune in next week for all the latest movie trailers!


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Movie Trailer Monday // May 26th – 1st June 2014


Holy bananas on a pine tree! There is a lot of trailers this week!!! Let’s see what Hollywood has to offer us this time:

1. Magic In The Moonlight:

What can I say? The trailer has cast a magical spell over me! I’m now really looking forward to it’s release date!

(Oh, I just want to point out that this trailer was actually released last week; it somehow slipped under my radar. But who cares?! Enjoy the trailer for crying out loud!!!)

2. This Is Where I Leave You:

This is pretty summed up by the last ‘joke’ in the trailer: generic, half assed and not worthy of my attention. But hey, it’s got a good cast!

3. Earth To Echo:

E.T. RIPOFF!!! There, I said it!

4. La Bare – Documentary

This is a documentary about male strippers. And I am a heterosexual. I think I’ve already said enough!

5. Snowpiercer:

I first heard about this in 2012 and I’ve heard nothing but issues regarding the film’s production. So I’m not sure on whether this will be as good as the trailer depicts, but then again look how World War Z turned out! Oh wait, that wasn’t that good either… Next trailer!

6. Annie – Trailer 2:

The first trailer didn’t impress me at all. This second trailer only serves to remind me how pointless this remake is in the first place!

7. The Book Of Life:

Aye aye aye! This doesn’t look all that great seΓ±or!!!

8. Kill The Messenger:

Is it just me or did that last line feel so shoehorned?! Other than that, looks decent. But I may just end up catching it on Netflix.

9. What If:

POTTER!!! What are doing trying to get out of the friend-zone with this blonde chick?! Does Ginny know about her?!?!

10. Korengal – War Documentary:

I don’t really need to say anything about this trailer; it’s a documentary on war. If you’re interested in that kind of stuff, then it looks very raw and insightful. If you’re not interested, no biggie. Yeah I know, a bit of an underwhelming response but I don’t care! Moving swiftly on…

11. Get On Up – Trailer 2:

Well, after watching the trailer for this James Brown biopic… I FEEEEELL GOOD!!!

12. A Walk Among The Tombstones:

It’s Liam Neeson opening a can of whoop ass!!! What’s not to love?!

13. The Art Of The Steal – International Trailer 2:

I have already had the displeasure of watching this film before it is released worldwide and you can read my review HERE. I think it’s safe to say that my opinions on the movie are very clear!

14. Left Behind:

Am I the only who keeps forgetting that Nicolas Cage has won an Oscar?! The only reason why I keep forgetting is because he keeps starring in stupid, absurd movies like this one!!!

15. Affluenza:

This trailer had my curiosity, and now the film has my attention. I understand that the reference and this film are in no way linked, but I like the quote so I’m using it!

16. Willow Creek:

Oh cool, it’s another horror movie! πŸ˜€

Oh, it’s another found footage movie… 😑

17. The Congress:

I am genuinely speechless. This looks unbelievable! Where can I buy tickets?!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is all the trailers that have been released in the past week! Tell me what you think of each trailer in the comments below. Tune in next week for all the latest movie trailers!


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Movie Trailer Monday // May 19th – May 25th 2014


Here’s your weekly fix of all the latest movie trailers!

By the way, I’ve been really busy for this past week so I’m not able to post full length reviews for each trailer like I normally would. However, I do have the time to write a simple “One Sentence Review”. Let’s get started!!!

1. Foxcatcher:

Holy batnipples, this looks unbelievable! Oscar worthy? Sure looks that way.

2. Guardians Of The Galaxy – Trailer 2:


3. Wish I Was Here:

Looks… fun. A bucket of light-hearted fun. Other than that… meh. I quite like the soundtrack though!

4. Hellion:

JESSE!!! What you doing fathering a young dirt bike racer?! We have to cook!!!

5. Happy Christmas:

‘Happy Christmas?’ More like ‘Pathetic & Not-Funny-In-The-Slightest Christmas’ am I right?! High five! No? Fine.

6. Life Itself – Rodger Ebert Documentary:

As a fan of Mr. Ebert, this will be one of the first documentaries I will be willing to sit through!

7. Kingsman: The Secret Service:

If X-Men: First Class met a B-Movie version of James Bond, this is probably the movie you would receive.

8. Disney’s Big Hero 6:

Get your guns ready: I hate Frozen. I know, I know! Calm down!!! So since this is from the same people (Disney), I’m not sure how to feel about this. At least it looks like my ears will be safe from any more torture!

9. The Equaliser:

What did you say? This doesn’t look awesome? Starts Timer

10. Clouds Of Sils Maria:

You’re probably thinking one of two things: either OBLIGATORY ASS SHOT!!! or KRISTEN STEWART IS SMILING!!!. And I have to say, both of these factors do make the film seem a lot more interesting! Besides that, just seems like a desperate attempt to win an award at Cannes!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is all the trailers that have been released in the past week! Tell me what you think of each trailer in the comments below. Tune in next week for all the latest movie trailers!


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Movie Trailer Monday // May 12th – May 18th 2014


What Is Movie Trailer Monday?

“Movie Trailer Monday” is where I will be talking about all of the latest trailers that have been released in the past week; sharing the trailers themselves so you can watch them for yourselves along with a brief discussion of my thoughts. I understand that there is a possibility that not every single trailer may be covered here simply because I either missed it or I don’t feel like it’s worthy of discussion (i.e TV spots)

And also remember that these are merely my views/opinions on these trailers; we all have different tastes and the ones laid out here are my own personal tastes, so you’re not obliged to agree with them. However, for my benefit, it is wise that you do agree with me!

Without further ado, let’s get crack-a-lackin’!!!

This Week’s Trailers:

1. The Riot Club

To be honest, when the trailer started I wasn’t really interested in this in the slightest. For the first minute or so, it seemed quite bland and I sensed it would be a painful drag to watch in the cinema. But as the trailer picked up pace, The Riot Club appears to be a nail-biting drama and looks set to deliver a strong message about social class, which is something worthy of my interest! Nothing really jumps out at me which makes me want to watch it immediately, since it shows signs of a fairly generic crime drama, but I am interested for the director attached (who’s previously directed One Day and An Education). Other than that, the trailer hasn’t got me super stoked for the film but I can tell that this definitely won’t be an eye-gouging experience.

2. Good People

Judging from the footage I’ve seen, this looks like a really intense drama dealing with morality issues and the thin line between greed and desperation, which is definitely pretty cool! Although appearing to be a slightly predictable ride, Good People is a film I’ll be keeping my eye on as time approaches closer to its September release. But I won’t be watching any more trailers since I have reason to believe it has laid out the entire plot!!! Massive shame, but I may still end up watching up someday.

3. The Hundred Foot Journey:

Imagine my face when I saw that Steven Spielberg is a producer for this film. And then imagine that same face after I saw that Oprah Winfrey was producing too! Here’s a visualisation:

πŸ˜€ –> :/

Despite that, The Hundred Foot Journey seems to be an uplifting, heartfelt joyride… that doesn’t interest me in the slightest. I’ve never understood the fascination with food; I eat whatever’s in the fridge plain and simple! If it tastes good then that’s just grand. I don’t analyse the taste or express the emotions that have been ignited by some bloody curry! But then again, I have no interest in Formula One racing and I ended up loving Ron Howard’s Rush. However, this and Rush are two completely different films in terms of tone, so I can’t really defend this movie adaption of Richard C. Morais’s best-selling novel based on that fact. But I can tell that this has beautiful cinematography just through seeing a minuscule two second clip at 1:22. That shot is simply masterful! And if I’m honest, that’s the only reason I would feel in any way inclined to watch this. That and Helen Mirren’s ridiculously stereotypical French accent!

4. Transformers: Age Of Extinction – Trailer 2

Sigh. Another Transformers film, another trailer. If you know me personally, you’re aware I’m not the greatest fan of the Transformers franchise for their lack of cohesive storytelling and the abundance of idiotic (for lack of a better term) Michael Bay-isms. But hey, maybe this will be the game changer that gives fans and movie goers what they deserve. But no. This looks pretty much the same. In fact no, it doesn’t “pretty much” look the same; it looks exactly like the same old bullsh*t!!! Explosions upon explosions, cities being destroyed, frail-women-who-we-don’t-care-about-but-we-should screaming at the mass destruction. It’s all here as you’ve come to expect! The only thing these films have going for them is the CGI and the action which is, although mindless, a real bucket of fun. In conclusion, if I wish to devour a bag of popcorn while switching off my brain for two hours, this is probably the film I’ll be watching!

5. V/H/S Viral:

What. The. Flying. Bajeezus. Did. I. Just. Watch?! Seriously, the editor of this trailer should be fired! It was so all over the place I could barely tell what was going on! You could argue that’s a good thing since it doesn’t spoil anything, but I guarantee nearly every scare has been spoilt in this trailer!!! They’ve managed to stuff so much into 90 seconds I wouldn’t be surprised if that was true. As many of you are aware, V/H/S is an anthology of (supposedly) scary tidbits that have STARTLED (NOT SCARED!) audiences since 2012. It has remarkably been expanded into a trilogy, moulding a thrill-seeking-teenager’s wet dream and annoying the sh*t out of me through it’s painful use of found-footage style of filming. Based on my experiences with the previous films, I think I’ll pass.

6. Deliver Us From Evil:

That’s right, two horror movie trailers in one week! And yes, this is the 439th horror to be inspired by true events!!! And with it being a horror, it obviously has to be about possession! If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m not too fond of horror as a genre; it really has seemed to drop down in quality film after film since the early 2000’s rehashing the same ideas over and over again. But despite this, I always remain open minded with every horror film I see since I am bound to find a gem among the rubble sooner or later. And in 2012, I found a massive ruby with Sinister which, although it’s foundations consisted of generic and overused plot devices, was devilishly creepy and disturbing. Good news for me: Deliver Us From Evil is directed by the same guy, who has also directed the nerve tingling Exorcism Of Emily Rose. I haven’t seen the film yet, but I already need to change my bed sheets!

7. Cinderella – Teaser Trailer:

Here we go again! Yet another re-telling of a popular fairy tale. The next victim of this ridiculous ‘trend’ is Cinderella, with Kenneth Branaugh (Hamlet, Thor) at the helm. I can’t really say much else than that since this is only a teaser trailer! Clocking in at roughly one minute and 15 seconds, this is essentially a showcase for how beautiful the CGI is going to be! I am aware that recent Oscar winner Cate Blanchett is starring… so… there’s that. Let’s just move on, shall we?

8. Monsters: Dark Continent – Giant Sand Bugs Trailer

Having not seen the first film before, I am however aware of the rave reviews that Monsters received when it was released. If a film is so good that it lands director Gareth Edwards a job in making the new Godzilla film, then it’s gotta be a must watch!!! However, this new (and somewhat pointless) sequel is not being directed by Mr. Edwards therefore I’m not as interested but still remain optimistic. As the trailer showed scenes involving NO monsters for roughly a minute, I was really starting to lose interest fast! I seriously thought I clicked on a trailer for a Hurt Locker knock-off. But then… GIANT F*CKING SAND BUGS CAME ON SCREEN!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Sorry, I’ll try to remain professional. In all seriousness, I like how short this trailer since it doesn’t reveal anything of critical importance, but what I don’t like is the image this film puts across. It appears as if this entire film takes place on a single military base, and in my opinion that makes the film very restrictive with what they cannot achieve. With the first Monsters, they’re travelling across an entire country for crying out loud! Until I see more, I remain quite skeptical.

9. Interstellar:

I have arguably saved the best to last. But the thing is, I don’t know if this is the best trailer out of this week’s round-up, simply because *I haven’t watched it! Christopher Nolan, who’s directed my number one movie ever The Dark Knight (see review HERE) is one of, if not my all time, favourite directors working today; everything he’s done is solid movie gold that has, in one way or another, redefined modern cinematic experience. With this in mind, it’s safe to say that this is my most anticipated film of 2014 therefore I do not wish to see any footage in fear of spoiling myself. Despite hearing that this trailer shows no major plot details, I really don’t view trailers the same way after the outrageous promotion for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. So for the time being I have no intention of watching the trailer, but even without seeing anything from the film, I can already predict that this is gonna be spectacular!

*This may occur a lot if I’m super excited for a specific film, so instead of explaining my reasons for why I haven’t watched the trailer I’m meant to be reviewing, I will label it with the tag “WARNING: ANTICIPATED MOVIE. NO REVIEW!” so you know that I’m desperately trying to avoid the film’s promotional campaign!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is all the trailers that have been released in the past week! Tell me what you think of each trailer in the comments below. Tune in next week for all the latest movie trailers!


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