
The Inbetweeners Movie // You Bumder!

16 Mar


Plot Synopsis:

Four socially troubled 18-year-olds from the south of England go on holiday to Malia. Starring Simon Bird, Blake Harrison, James Buckley and Joe Thomas.

Official Trailer:

Full Review:

By the way, the title is referring to the show! In case you don’t know, the reason why I’m doing this review of a coming of age story that’s laden with sex jokes, is because I received a request to do so. As Paddy McGuinness would say on his abysmal dating TV show, the power is in your hands!. So if you would like me to review a specific film you cannot wait to read my thoughts on, then check out the ‘Make A Request‘ page! But anyway, here is my review of ‘The Inbetweeners Movie

As many of you are aware, The Inbetweeners was originally a uber successful British sitcom that aired for three seasons. In fact it was so successful, it was evolved into the 90 minute comedy sex romp that I’m reviewing now in 2011, and then unfortunately got poorly remade by MTV in 2012 for American TV, ending up being cancelled only after the first season. Thank God for that, eh?!

So what did I think of it? Honestly, I thought it was okay, and this is coming from someone who really liked the TV show. Not side splitting hilarity but definitely not dull or tiresome. Most fans of the TV show, including people that I know personally, loved the show’s adaption to the silver screen but in my opinion, it was rather meh.

First off, it was excellent to see that the series director and the show’s writers returning to fill their respective duties, making the feel just like a longer episode of the show. The way handheld camera work was implemented will make any fan feel at home and the comedic style and in-jokes that only fans will understand thankfully haven’t been squashed at all despite being portrayed on a larger scope. So big props to the studio!

Another plus point is one man and one man only. Richard. Although only chewing up a absurdly small amount of screen time (approximately five minutes), I thought he was hilarious! Played by Theo Barklem Biggs, this awkwardly annoying loner is probably the most memorable asset of this film despite only being a minor role. Every line he spoke had me laughing uncontrollably, not because the dialogue itself was incredibly funny but because it was just wonderfully delivered. And also, he scarily looks like a much younger version of Nicholas Lyndhurst (Rodney from Only Fools and Horses) which I found pretty funny as well!

Despite a hysterical side character and many scenes that were incredibly funny, quite a few of the jokes fall flat on their face and felt kind of forced. And unfortunately, this isn’t the first comedy to suffer from this problem. Also the pacing was really bothersome at times and I found some of the jokes slightly repetitive and drawn out, desperately trying to squeeze out every chuckle. And speaking of which, that’s all I did throughout the majority of the film; chuckle. I didn’t slap my knee or laugh out loud (or LOL as the kids call it!), but I found The Inbetweeners Movie mildly humorous. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you’re a die hard fan of the show, chances are you have already seen and utterly adore this film. But even as a fan of the show, I didn’t think this was as good as it could’ve been. For some reason, it just felt slightly underwhelming from a comedic stand point. If you’re part of the minority that hasn’t watched the TV show, please do so. It is filled to the brim with hysterical scenes and quotes you will be using on your friends for several weeks. But as a stand alone piece, The Inbetweeners Movie is a decent comedy that has it’s moments but ultimately is left with much room for improvement.

Fergie’s Final Fifteen:

Crude, outrageous, and downright entertaining. Despite clear flaws, Richard makes the whole film worth watching!



In case the message hasn’t gotten through to you yet, you can ask me to review a film on the ‘Make A Request’ page. Head over there now! Even though I thought the film wasn’t necessarily perfect, that doesn’t eliminate the possibility of me reviewing the sequel which comes out in August this year. So stay tuned!!

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Posted by on 16/03/2014 in Comedy


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