Monthly Archives: March 2014


*Insert Bear Pun Here* // Bear Short Film Review


Full Review:

Yes, it’s that time of the year again, where practical jokes and downright abuse, which is cleverly disguised as friendly banter, is all the rage. Of course, I’m talking about April Fools Day. But because we at Fergie Films are civilised people, we will not partake in giving people wedgies when they least expect it. Instead, we will celebrate the occasion by watching our favourite comedies. But just in case you don’t have a film to watch on April 1st, then I’ve got a hilarious short black comedy for you to enjoy!

Directed and starring by Nash Edgerton, brother of Joel Edgerton (Warrior, The Great Gatsby), Bear is a 10 minute comedy that is as black as night and wonderfully complimented my sick twisted sense of humour. Guaranteed to leave some people sitting in their seat wondering whether to burst out laughing or cry awkwardly, this is a humorously weird tale that has a pretty intriguing message despite a comedic narrative. And has a unpredictable and absurdly funny ending!

Unlike many comedies, a good chunk of this short film consists of drama and conflict. In fact, the first five minutes is primarily build-up and character development. If you’re unsure of the type of film this is (like I was when I first watched this), you can be left unsure of what the hell is happening and possibly end up slightly bored because of this. Opening with our characters getting themselves ready for the day that awaits them (i.e. brushing teeth, eating breakfast, etc.), the film feels slightly slow in pace for the first half but really finds it’s way onto its feet in the latter half, providing a hilarious sequence that is simultaneously tragic and hysterical. Trust me, hang in there and you’ll be rewarded by the end of the short.

This isn’t necessarily a laughing riot either, like other films such as The Wolf Of Wall Street (see review here). Instead, it’s more of a giant buildup for an insanely spectacular punch line. As previously mentioned, the first five minutes is purely development but it definitely doesn’t come across as unnecessary or unimportant. In order for the comedy to hit a home run, it is vital that we understand the scenario and the relationship between the characters therefore the opening sequence had to be included, despite it being slow sifting and somewhat dull.

Bear also deals with a fairly sophisticated message for it’s genre, telling an off-the-wall story about luck and misfortune. It goes to show that there are others out there who have it worse off than you do so there’s no need to whine and complain about the small things in life, such as the amount of chores you have to complete or the fact that your brother won’t share his Maryland cookies with you. That b*stard! Instead, keep your head up and enjoy your life for what it’s worth. It’s either that or I’m looking too deep into it and it’s really trying to say that you shouldn’t wear a bear suit in a forrest!

I won’t say anymore in fear of treading on spoiler territory, so go on and check it out NOW! And once you’ve finished, check out Nash’s other short film entitled Spider which deals with a similar premise and is quite possibly much more twisted and dark than this short film. Both are great and highly recommended for those who’s sense of humour has no boundaries!

Fergie’s Final Fifteen:

Despite clear pacing issues, Bear is a disturbingly funny flick with a wonderfully twisted ending.



Here’s the link for you all to enjoy!

On Tuesday (April Fools), I will be doing a countdown of my Top Five Favourite Comedies. I feel like a list of some kind is long overdue since I LOVE countdowns relating to the best and worst of something. With this in mind, tell me what your favourite comedies are in the comments below while I compile my list over the weekend. Who knows? You may get a shoutout on Tuesday’s post!!

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Posted by on 30/03/2014 in Comedy, Short Films


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Jupiter Ascending // Trailer 2 Review


Plot Synopsis:

In the future, a young destitute human woman (Mila Kunis) gets targeted for assassination by the Queen of the Universe, and begins her destiny to finish the Queen’s reign. Also starring Channing Tatum, Sean Bean and Douglas Booth.

Official Trailer:

Full Review:

With the Wachowskis directing, who famously blew everyone’s minds with The Matrix, you have to be interested or at least intrigued by this film. So when the first trailer for Jupiter Ascending hit the web, it had my curiosity but it didn’t have my attention (Thanks Calvin Candy!) I felt like it didn’t really satisfy me like should have, and something was missing. However, I was much more impressed with this trailer hence why I’m talking about it to you today.

The main problem with the first trailer was it was basically just a showcase for all the visual effects (which do look amazing!). This new trailer, which was released last night, seems to tell us more about the story and what to expect, but at the same time leaving enough unknown story elements and mystery that forces you to go and see the film in cinemas in order for all your questions to fully be resolved. The promotional team behind The Amazing Spider-Man 2 can learn a thing or two from this!

Speaking of the story, it doesn’t really seem like anything too ground breaking; treading on territory that many Young Adult novels have made common place. Mila Kunis (Ted, Black Swan) is ‘the chosen one‘ and she is the only one who can save the universe. But wait, she’s just an average girl. How on Earth is she gonna be able to achieve such a feat?! Sound familiar? That’s because it is! In all honesty, that’s probably the only problem I have but I’m sure that the public wouldn’t care anyway, since films with this exact storyline are being churned out faster than you can say Albuquerque!

The acting looks like it could be a treat as well, both figuratively and literally. For the men, the treat is Mila Kunis and for the women, it’s Channing Tatum. And for fans of Game of Thrones and Lord Of The Rings, it’s Sean Bean! Tatum (Magic Mike, 21 Jump Street) appears to be taking on a role that he hasn’t dealt with before. No longer is he this loving heartthrob with a quick wit sense of humour. Now he’s an intergalactic badass! Eddie Redmayne (My Week With Marilyn) also seems to be giving a noteworthy performance as a cold and slightly sinister villain. Although he appears to be overacting in some parts, Redmayne looks like an engrossing enemy for Kunis (Ted, Black Swan) to vend off against.

All in all, Jupiter Ascending appears to be an enjoyable watch that is almost guaranteed to be a spectacle when sat in the cinema, especially in 3D. However, it’s unlikely for me to be rushing out to my nearest cinema just to see this. For some reason, this hasn’t ignited a spark that makes me squeal in uncontrollable excitement like a five year old girl. If I’m honest, I might end up streaming it. I’ll save the money I could’ve spent on a Jupiter Ascending ticket and instead use it to buy a ticket to the upcoming Godzilla film in May!!

Fergie’s Final Fifteen:

Looks like a perfect popcorn flick and a visual marvel, but just isn’t enticing enough.



I’m not putting the film down in any way; it’s just that I’m not as hyped up about it as I should be. Who knows? The film might be one of 2014’s best films, but it doesn’t really seem that way from this or the previous trailer. But hey, if someone came up to me and asked if I wanted to see Jupiter Ascending with them, by no means necessary would I put up a fight.

So, what did you guys think of the trailer? Are you more excited than I am? Leave your thoughts down below in the comments section right this instant!!

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Posted by on 27/03/2014 in Trailer Reviews


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The Wolf of Wall Street Has One Hell of A Roar!!


Plot Synopsis:

Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio), from his rise to a wealthy stockbroker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption and the federal government. Also starring Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, and Matthew McConaughey.

Official Trailer:

Full Review:

My my! What a film. I mean, this film is seriously one of the funniest, most ludicrous and, without a doubt, best films I’ve seen in a long while. End of review. Just kidding! Of course, we’re going to discuss in detail what makes Hollywood legend Martin Scorsese’s latest film truly spectacular in every way imaginable.

You know what? Enough of the filler; let’s just jump into review mode. Can you tell I’m really excited to talk about this movie?! We’ll start off with acting, since it’s pretty easy to talk about. Phenomenal. With a cast assemble involving recent Oscar nominees Leonardo DiCaprio (Titanic, Inception, Django Unchained) and Jonah Hill (Moneyball, 21 Jump Street) as well as recent Oscar winner Matthew McConaughey (Mud – see review here), you know one hundred percent that you are going to blown away by their acting chops. Along with newcomer and truly brilliant (not just in acting, if you know what I mean!) Margot Robbie, the entire cast had impeccable comedic timing and had me hooked through every single frame. Hell, even the extras were great!

Under direction from Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, The Departed), it was quite obvious the acting was gonna be good. Speaking of whom, Scorsese (as usual) directs his balls off in this raunchy, outlandish comedy with every shot masterfully done and the film as a whole feeling incredibly cohesive despite a three hour runtime. Joining forces with DiCaprio for their fifth film together, the pair are practically married to each other, having formed a remarkable actor-director relationship unlike any other. And thankfully, that really shows on camera too.

But do you wanna know what else is remarkable? Making Joanna Lumely funny. Well, that’s not actually my point but it still holds true. I’m actually talking about the script. Holy Mary Poppins, this has to be the most hysterical and highly quotable script I’ve seen written for a film since Monty Python and The Holy Grail. And that’s saying a lot!! Abundant with side-splitting scenes and lines, Terence Winter’s (The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire) script is a cinematic treasure that I will cherish for as long as I live. And I shall whenever I can integrate many quotes into my everyday life; during my movie loving life only a few scripts have made me do such a feat. Mr Winters, you should feel proud of yourself.

I really want to say the film is bonafide perfection, but unfortunately it isn’t. Fortunately, it is nothing major and something that an average audience member wouldn’t be phased by, but I was somewhat bothered by it nevertheless. Scorsese has publicly said that he struggled to narrow the runtime to just under three hours and you can kinda tell, with the editing appearing slightly choppy in certain scenes. But honestly, if that’s your only problem then you’ve got a terrific movie on your hands.

Filled with obscene language and sex scenes, every Class-A drug you can think of, and even Jonah Hill masturbating, The Wolf of Wall Street is, in my eyes, a comedy masterpiece that I sincerely hope lives on throughout the ages as a staple in cinema. And mark my words, as soon as the Blu-Ray is released here in the UK, I’m buying multiple copies to share with all of my friends. I need to see their faces during the Lemmon 747 scene!

Fergie’s Final Fifteen:

Utterly marvellous, stupendous on every level, and absolutely chock full of boisterous hilarity. A triumph.



Guys, if you haven’t already seen The Wolf of Wall Street and are in the mood for some comical absurdity, then stop what you’re doing this very second and indulge yourself in this unbelievable three hour zany and energetic roller-coaster ride. Or at least make it something you need to do before you die!

And in case you didn’t know, I have a Twitter page where you can keep up to date with my reviews, general movie news as well as my daily antics.

Follow me here:

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Posted by on 23/03/2014 in Comedy


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The Incredibles 2 Has Been Announced!!



Do I really need to say more?! The sequel Pixar fans have been waiting for since 2004 (ten freakin’ years ago!!) is now finally a reality! With no release date confirmed and unsure whether or not Brad Bird will return at the helm of directing, this movie has had numerous rumours and amounts of speculation surrounding it since the release of the original and I for one cannot wait.

Now some may argue that Pixar are starting to lose their golden touch that catapulted themselves to such a stellar reputation, with recent releases including the critically panned Cars 2 and the mildly-received Scottish fantasy Brave. But I remain optimistic because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, what Pixar are capable of doing. They’ve produced some of my all time favourite films, let alone favourite animated films. They have the potential to create quite possibly their most spectacular film in years; that is if we’re basing our opinions on the quality of the Oscar winning original.

Oh. And in other news, Cars 3 has also been announced. Woop de doo. This side news has (for good reason) been overshadowed by the aforementioned announcement, and has been widely ignored due to the fact that most of us don’t really care if we’re getting a third film after being bitterly disappointed after the second installment.

But before we indulge ourselves into the awesomeness of The Incredibles 2, we will have to sift through The Good Dinosaur (which was pushed from a 2014 spot to a 2015 release) and 2016’s Inside Out as well as the other much anticipated sequel Finding Dory.

So much to look forward to! I can hardly contain myself!!


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The Inbetweeners Movie // You Bumder!


Plot Synopsis:

Four socially troubled 18-year-olds from the south of England go on holiday to Malia. Starring Simon Bird, Blake Harrison, James Buckley and Joe Thomas.

Official Trailer:

Full Review:

By the way, the title is referring to the show! In case you don’t know, the reason why I’m doing this review of a coming of age story that’s laden with sex jokes, is because I received a request to do so. As Paddy McGuinness would say on his abysmal dating TV show, the power is in your hands!. So if you would like me to review a specific film you cannot wait to read my thoughts on, then check out the ‘Make A Request‘ page! But anyway, here is my review of ‘The Inbetweeners Movie

As many of you are aware, The Inbetweeners was originally a uber successful British sitcom that aired for three seasons. In fact it was so successful, it was evolved into the 90 minute comedy sex romp that I’m reviewing now in 2011, and then unfortunately got poorly remade by MTV in 2012 for American TV, ending up being cancelled only after the first season. Thank God for that, eh?!

So what did I think of it? Honestly, I thought it was okay, and this is coming from someone who really liked the TV show. Not side splitting hilarity but definitely not dull or tiresome. Most fans of the TV show, including people that I know personally, loved the show’s adaption to the silver screen but in my opinion, it was rather meh.

First off, it was excellent to see that the series director and the show’s writers returning to fill their respective duties, making the feel just like a longer episode of the show. The way handheld camera work was implemented will make any fan feel at home and the comedic style and in-jokes that only fans will understand thankfully haven’t been squashed at all despite being portrayed on a larger scope. So big props to the studio!

Another plus point is one man and one man only. Richard. Although only chewing up a absurdly small amount of screen time (approximately five minutes), I thought he was hilarious! Played by Theo Barklem Biggs, this awkwardly annoying loner is probably the most memorable asset of this film despite only being a minor role. Every line he spoke had me laughing uncontrollably, not because the dialogue itself was incredibly funny but because it was just wonderfully delivered. And also, he scarily looks like a much younger version of Nicholas Lyndhurst (Rodney from Only Fools and Horses) which I found pretty funny as well!

Despite a hysterical side character and many scenes that were incredibly funny, quite a few of the jokes fall flat on their face and felt kind of forced. And unfortunately, this isn’t the first comedy to suffer from this problem. Also the pacing was really bothersome at times and I found some of the jokes slightly repetitive and drawn out, desperately trying to squeeze out every chuckle. And speaking of which, that’s all I did throughout the majority of the film; chuckle. I didn’t slap my knee or laugh out loud (or LOL as the kids call it!), but I found The Inbetweeners Movie mildly humorous. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you’re a die hard fan of the show, chances are you have already seen and utterly adore this film. But even as a fan of the show, I didn’t think this was as good as it could’ve been. For some reason, it just felt slightly underwhelming from a comedic stand point. If you’re part of the minority that hasn’t watched the TV show, please do so. It is filled to the brim with hysterical scenes and quotes you will be using on your friends for several weeks. But as a stand alone piece, The Inbetweeners Movie is a decent comedy that has it’s moments but ultimately is left with much room for improvement.

Fergie’s Final Fifteen:

Crude, outrageous, and downright entertaining. Despite clear flaws, Richard makes the whole film worth watching!



In case the message hasn’t gotten through to you yet, you can ask me to review a film on the ‘Make A Request’ page. Head over there now! Even though I thought the film wasn’t necessarily perfect, that doesn’t eliminate the possibility of me reviewing the sequel which comes out in August this year. So stay tuned!!

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Posted by on 16/03/2014 in Comedy


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The Southern Belle // A Must-Watch Short Film


Plot Synopsis:

The paths of two starkly different men, a generation apart, converge late one evening for them to discover they have a dark and destructive bond. Starring Theodore Bouloukos and Ethan Sharrett.

Official Trailer:

Full Review:

Well, this is something different! I was planning to review The Inbetweeners Movie since someone made the request (you can do the same thing by visiting the ‘Make A Request‘ page!). But unfortunately, exams and schoolwork have snuck up on me faster than I expected, meaning my time to watch and review a full length film has (for the time being) gone down the drain, just like my possible success rate for these exams! But does that mean I won’t post a review? Of course not!. The only difference being that this is a review of a short film. A darn good short film at that!!

This slow-sifting yet intense 10 minute flick is slightly hard for me to review properly since I really don’t want to spoil anything. I think it’s best if you go into this movie without knowing too much as the plot isn’t incredibly complex and elaborate. The simplicity of The Southern Belle means there’s not a lot we, as an audience, need to keep track of which means that we can really appreciate the bare bones of the film and it’s story. And this definitely is not a bad thing at all! As Albert Einstein once said, “Keep it simple, but no simpler”

In a film like this, the screenplay really needs to shine. And boy, this script shines as bright as the sun! Filled with realistic, down to Earth dialogue that is crisp and engaging, the script makes The Southern Belle one of the most well written short films I’ve ever seen. To whoever wrote this film, you my friend have earned yourself a very well deserved pat-on-the-back from me! And the script gives us characters, although in a small quantity, that we can latch onto within the very first couple of minutes and also perfectly understand their behavioural characteristics within the ten minute time frame. If that’s not good writing, I don’t know what is!

The cinematography is really something to marvel at as well, especially considering the budget they had and the several constrictions they faced while filming because of this. Going for a dark and moody look, the film looks and therefore feels like a high budget movie. It really goes to show you that you don’t need a million dollar budget to make a good movie; you just need talent.

And by that, I mean you need talent both behind and in front of camera. Luckily, The Southern Belle has a lot of unknown but still fantastic talent in front of the camera! The only two actors in this short are stupendous, particularly the taxi driver Bob played by Theodore Bouloukos, who collectively are able to clearly and masterfully establish as well as maintain tension from the get-go as their conversation, and inherent suspense, grows to it’s teeth grinding climax.

I won’t say too much more in fear of spoiling it for you, so I guess I’ll end my review here! You can watch the film in full underneath this article; it will be the best ten minutes you will spend this week. Trust me!!

Fergie’s Final Fifteen:

A digestive, exhilarating and truly riveting piece of quality filmmaking, all squeezed within ten minutes.



The Southern Belle is definitely one of the best short films I’ve seen and it absolutely, without question, deserves your undivided attention. I highly urge you to check it out below. Now I’m off to try and not fail my exams by staring blankly at several convoluted and downright useless textbooks! Wish me luck!!

P.S I’m thinking of doing more short film reviews in the future since my schedule is getting tighter and tighter as time goes on. With this in mind, I would love to know your favourite short films (if you have any!) Tell me in the comments below!!

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Posted by on 09/03/2014 in Drama, Short Films


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Chicago // A Flat-Pitched Oscar Winner


Plot Synopsis:

Murderesses Velma Kelly (Catherine Zeta-Jones) and Roxie Hart (Renée Zellweger) find themselves on death row together and fight for the fame that will keep them from the gallows in 1920s Chicago. Also starring Richard Gere and Queen Latifa.

Official Trailer:

Full Review:

As you may have guessed from the title, I didn’t like this film. In fact, I kind of despised it! When I first sat down and decided to put myself through this lacklustre yet Oscar winning musical, I turned it off after 45 minutes. I just couldn’t stand it! And now, with the 86th annual Oscar award ceremony being premiered tonight, I feel inclined to tell you guys about the least deserving Best Picture winner in the history of the Oscars (in my opinion).

Let’s start off with the good points, as per usual. To begin, I will very openly admit that I enjoyed the way the film looked. And I mean I really liked how Chicago lit up my TV screen. The beautiful scenery and excellent costume design captures the essence of 1920’s America very well. So big props to the art direction crew, who earned the only Oscar this film actually deserved!

Speaking of which, Catherine Zeta-Jones (Entrapment, High Fidelity) bagged herself an Oscar for Supporting Actress for her performance as Velma Kelly, a glamour goddess that relishes in the limelight. Zeta-Jones plays the role to a fairly good degree, embodying a good blend of self affection and envy for Renée Zellweger’s character Roxie Hart. Zellweger (Jerry Maguire, Bridget Jone’s Diary) does a great job playing a young and aspiring showgirl who dreams of making headlines like Velma. I could talk about everyone but I won’t since I’m pretty much going to say the same thing about each of them: THEIR ACTING WAS REALLY GOOD!.

The acting all around was definitely not a problem at all. But do you know what is a problem? The musical numbers. Good lord, the songs are incredibly generic! I’ve heard songs like the ones in Chicago countless times when I was forced to go to the pantomime as a kid. In hindsight, that’s probably why I don’t like musicals that much!! But even with my hatred for musicals aside, the songs just aren’t that memorable and definitely haven’t been stuck in my head for weeks on end. To be fair, the music does emulate the time period it is trying to capture which is a good thing, but this unfortunately limits their creativity and constricts their ability to try different genres.

To the film’s credit, they have tried to be original by using clever yet jazzy camouflage. Instead of people just randomly bursting out into song (probably the main reason why I hate musicals), the songs take place as part of Roxie’s imagination who sees the real world around her as a major broadway show. But even so, it’s still people bursting into song. If you want to progress the story, just speak normal dialogue!

There’s no need to do the cha-cha in order to get your point across!!

And to be honest, I didn’t give a toss about the characters and their dilemmas at all, despite the good acting. The main challenge our characters face is that either Zeta-Jones or Zellweger will be sent to the gallows as the other bathes in the flashing camera of the paparazzi. And throughout the film, I didn’t give two flaming sh*ts about what happened to them! You know there’s something wrong with your film when your audience don’t even give a damn about anything that is being projected on screen.

All in all, my opinions of this film may be slightly biased due to my aforementioned distaste of musicals. But, in the famous words of Clark Gable, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!. This film was just a waste of my time and totally undeserving of the title ‘Best Picture Winner’, especially when it had won over films like Gangs of New York, The Pianist, and (my personal winner) The Two Towers. But anyway, Chicago is simply a cinematic pantomime that feels lacklustre and underwhelming.

Fergie’s Final Fifteen:

Ambitious and a spectacle for eyes and ears, but just not my cup of tea.



I’ve heard many people who love musicals, including one of my friends, say the phrase ‘Even If You Don’t Like Musicals, You Will Like This Film’. Frankly, I loathe musicals and I still somewhat disliked Chicago. In all honesty, I feel betrayed by these people!

My aforementioned friend already hates me for not liking Grease so I’m not sure how she’s gonna respond when she reads this! Please pray for my soul!!

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Posted by on 02/03/2014 in Musical


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